11 Law Firm Marketing Ideas That Will Grow Your Business, GUARANTEED

11 Law Firm Marketing Ideas

09 Dec 11 Law Firm Marketing Ideas That Will Grow Your Business, GUARANTEED

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11 Law Firm Marketing Ideas That Will Grow Your Business, GUARANTEED

If you really want to grow your business you have to do marketing, and it better be effective marketing.  There are as many law firm marketing ideas as there are blades of grass, so we’re going to focus on the ones that are effective, affordable and trackable.

Here are are 11 law firm marketing ideas that will grow your business.

1) Turn your website into a help center for your prospective clients instead of a sales brochure for your firm.

Sure you want to have mentions of your accomplishments, awards and legal organizations on your website.  But the content that will help you drive business is content that helps your prospective clients.

Your prospective clients’ care most about how you will be able to help them solve their problems. The more you are able to do that, the more they will trust that you are the lawyer for them.

Track your website’s traffic by the number of views each page gets and you’ll see that the pages that are the most helpful to your visitors will be the most popular ones.

2) Don’t forget about hyper-local.  The super-local newspapers that cover just a couple of towns are still avidly read by the people in those towns.

While larger traditional newspapers have lost large chunks of their readership the hyper-local newspapers that have pictures of local events, schools and cub scout events have thrived, because they cover events and news that touch people where they live.

An ad or a story in one of these papers can really get a great ROI for your law firm.  As a plus, the ad rates on these publications are generally very low.

3) Another great law firm marketing idea is local radio.  Local radio stations still have a great impact for many businesses.  People are very loyal to the radio station they listen to and that loyalty can easily transfer to the businesses that advertise on the station.

With radio you get a chance to really paint a picture about your law firm and explain how you can solve the legal problems your prospects face.  The best strategy is to focus on a specific niche that your law firm wants to grow and present a focused, clear and specific set of benefits for the radio listeners.

One drawback about radio is the your commercial is almost always played in a block of other commercials so you do have to compete a bit to stand out and get heard.  But you can do that my employing a custom radio ad jingle.  A jingle will make your law firm stand out and will make it memorable as well.  A jingle is a great way to send much more professional than the other businesses on the radio.

4) Networking groups in your area are another great way to market your law firm.  If you do the leg work, networking groups can be a great source of referral business for your law firm.

Meeting people and finding out how you can help them, will also help them help you. Networking will take some time to become effective, but once your build those relationships, you can be sure that the business will start rolling info your law firm.

Some general groups like Le Tip, BNI and your local Chamber of Commerce will give you multiple opportunities to expand your networking circles. 

Pro Tip:  Make a point to network with other attorneys.  Attorneys often get asked about cases that they don’t normally handle or want to handle.  If you have a relationship with them, they’ll refer those cases to you when they pop up.

5) Video is a great way todo marketing for your law firm.  Did you know that You Tube is the second largest search engine after Google?  You Tube has more searches than Bing, AOL, Yahoo and Ask combined.

The other plus is that your videos are out there working for you 24/7, even while you’re sleeping or on the golf course.  If you’re creating the kind of content people are searching for, video can be a great marketing tool.

6) Your own current clients are a great way to market your firm.  Here’s what you can do to tap a source of people who already like you and will be more than willing to help promote you.

a) Do a survey of existing clients asking them what they like the most about your service.  You can use the resulting comments as a great list of testimonials for your website.

b) Ask your existing clients if they have any friends or family that could use your law firm’s services.  These referrals will be good as gold, probably the best you can get.

c) Look at your existing client base and identify those characteristics that they have in common.  These will form the base of a profile that you can use to better identify your ideal client.  That will help you figure out the best places to look for similar types of people for future clients.

7) The number 7 law firm marketing idea is another digital idea.  Make sure that you have your local SEO strategy in place.  You want to make sure that you have a Google+ page for your law firm, a Facebook business page and that you’re also on Yelp.

The important part of local SEO is making sure that your NAP is consistent.  NAP is your Name, Address and Phone Number.  Your NAP needs to be consistent on your website and all of your local listings across the Internet.

8) Have you looked in your mailbox lately?  It sure looks like we are all getting a lot less mail.  Even during the busy holiday mail season, the mailbox seems a lot more empty these days.

Try doing some targeted direct mail.  There are many ways to target your audience with direct mail lists.  You can specify certain demographic information, geographic targeting can be done and you can even get household income and other psychographic data to use for your targeting. 

With a much less cluttered mailbox, the time is right for a direct mail campaign for your law office.

9) Write a blog.  As an attorney, marketing your firm, you can really help increase your reputation and your positioning as an expert in the legal field by creating helpful content for your prospects and publishing it on your blog.

Don’t make your blog posts salesey, make them helpful for you prospects and they will see that content as very valuable because it helps them.  Add a call to action at the end of each article that offers another piece of content to your prospects that they will be willing to give up their contact information for.

10) Get out there and speak!  You should look for opportunities to speak in front of groups of people.  You can use this chance to give helpful content in person.  You can adapt your other content to a live presentation that will wow.

The same concept applies to speaking in public as to blogging.  You provide helpful information that will position you as an expert.  This will help grow your perception as an expert in your field.

11) Whichever of these law firm marketing ideas you choose to try, make sure that you are employing a strategic approach.  Plan out the marketing ideas that you are going to put into place and track and evaluate your results.

You will have some ideas work better than others, some that are so-so that can get better with just a tweak and some that just aren’t a good fit for you.  Tracking what you do, the results that you get and analyzing to identify the best ideas for you are all crucial to your success.

So there you have it 11 law firm marketing ideas that will grow your business guaranteed.  Let me know how these work out for you or if you have any questions at all.

Get a huge ROI on your radio advertising

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