4 Keys To Effective Business Marketing Strategy & Advertising Techniques

advertising and marketing planning

01 Apr 4 Keys To Effective Business Marketing Strategy & Advertising Techniques

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Effective marketing strategy and advertising techniques are crucial to the success of any business.  Now more than ever it is vital that you have an organized marketing and advertising strategy plan for your business.  The extensive usage of digital media like smartphones, tablets and computers has only added to wide variety of ways that people find out about businesses.  And that makes it tougher than ever to get found by your potential customers.

Here are four keys to making sure your marketing and advertising efforts aren’t wasted.

Make a marketing and advertising plan.

The old adage remains true, fail to plan is a plan to fail.  It’s so easy to let stuff fall through the cracks.  Your expertise isn’t in marketing and advertising.  It’s in making delicious food or great accounting services or great pet grooming. Whatever you do in your business is what you love to do and that’s your priority, as it should be.  We all put the tasks that we don’t like as much at the bottom of the list.  It’s human nature.

To be successful at promoting your business you need to have a plan of attack.  Set aside a morning one day to lay out your plan.  How will you market and advertise your business?  Will you use social media?  Will you buy ads on local media like TV, radio and newspapers?  Will you get involved with community events?

Pick the methods you want to use then define and schedule the next steps to putting your plan in motion.  Set aside an hour each day to knock another to-do off the list.  At the end of the week you’ll have made progress on 7-10 of your to-dos!  Even a little progress is a great incentive to keep going and make your marketing and advertising plan a successful reality.

Define your audience by building personas.

Let’s say you’re a pizza shop owner.  Who are your potential customers?  Most people will say EVERYONE!  Of course that’s true, but it’s not effective when you’re talking about marketing and advertising strategy.

Marketing and advertising need to be focused to be effective.  So who are your most frequent customers at my pizza shop?  We have the busy mom or dad who stop by on the way home from work to pick up a pie.  You do a lot of that business.  So focus part of your marketing and advertising on what benefits your business brings to that persona.  What problem will your business solve for them?

That persona is looking for fast and easy dinner solution that the kids will love and is affordable.  Right there you’ve covered three benefits for your target persona.  Who knew pizza could solve so many problems?  Those benefits make for a great marketing and advertising campaign targeted at that persona.

Determining your positioning.

What makes your business stand out?  Why should a customer use your business over your competition?  It’s important to identify your strengths.  You don’t want to focus on your competition’s weaknesses.  Instead focus on your strengths and make those strengths specific.

Just saying you’re the best doesn’t mean anything.  Tell me why you’re the best and how that helps me.  If you have delicious pizza that kids love and you have a quick and easy ordering system, plus you run a special on Tuesday nights that give a free bottle of soda with any pizza, the busy mom or dad will love your shop.

Stand out in your marketing or advertising.

Running an advertising campaign on local radio or TV is a great way to drive business and awareness.  You’d probably also be surprised how affordable those advertising campaigns can be.  But how do you stand out and make people remember your company?  One great way is with a commercial jingle.  A Jingle elevates the way people perceive your business. It also makes people remember your commercial.  Think of how often you get a song stuck in your head.  That’s what happens with  a great jingle!

So there you have it.  4 keys to effective business marketing strategy & advertising. If you’d like more information about marketing and promoting your business just click below and download our free ebook.

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This article is by Donald Seckler. Donald is the President of Peak Inbound Marketing and can be found here on Google+

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