Roadblocking has always been a secret weapon for AE’s and Clients

29 Aug Roadblocking has always been a secret weapon for AE’s and Clients

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Roadblocking has always been a secret weapon for AE’s and Clients.

Roadblocking is a method of scheduling a week, a day or even a daypart with heavy frequency while keepingĀ  within a limited budget. The concept is pretty simple … set up a Marketing Roadblack so there’s no way for your listeners to get around it. They will hear the heavy frequency of commercials and they will respond to a good offer.

A restaurant launching a new Sunday Brunch sets up a Roadblock on your stations Saturday 3:00 PM – 12:00 Midnight ROS. Make sure the copy reads about limited seating and reservations required. The trick to making a Roadblock campaign successful is consistency. The client needs to stick with the program for 52 weeks to make this work.

Growing up in the North East meant eating spaghetti on Wednesday’s. Prince Spaghetti saturated Radio/TV on Wednesday’s only and it really worked. Everyone was trained to eat spaghetti on Wednesday because “Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day.”

Roadblocking is a very effective strategy especially for clients on a limited budget. Try it … It really works!

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