When was the last time you used cross promotions to close a new piece of business?

29 Aug When was the last time you used cross promotions to close a new piece of business?

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There is nothing new about Cross Promotions but when was the last time you used the concept to close a new piece of business? Cross Promoting is the simple concept of taking two clients and teaming them together with a common Bounce Back.

Here is an example: Let’s say you are calling on a Jewelry Store and a Flower Shop  … two tough prospects and you’re having trouble getting both on the air. Simple … cook up a clever cross promotion, print up some point of purchase displays, throw in a little web site support and you’re there. When a customer buys a diamond engagement ring, they take their proof of purchase to the local Flower Shop for a discount on a dozen red roses. Bounce them back the other way for a discount on a diamond engagement ring when they  purchase a dozen red roses from the flower shop.

Cross Promotions are fun to think up. Here are a few more: Weight Loss and an Apparel Store, Floor Covering Store and Carpet Cleaner, A Men’s Store and A Dry Cleaner, A Restaurant and a Movie Theater, Auto Insurance and a Collision Body Shop, A Camera Store and Travel Agency, A Real Estate Broker and a Mortgage Company, etc.

It’s a fun topic for a sales meeting and I know it will lead to some new clients for you!

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