Author: admin

Radio Microphone
The 18 All-Time Greatest Radio & TV Commercial Jingles

Everyone loves a great radio or TV commercial jingle. The best jingles become ear worms. You just can't get them out of your head. You sing along, tap your foot and sometimes even dance! A great commercial jingle makes an ad memorable. Jingles really became popular...

Radio Microphone
Radio Advertising Costs

How Much Does Radio Advertising Cost?  It's a great question.  And like many great questions the answer is, it depends. The short answer is that the cost of radio advertising is generally tied to the size of the audience you will be able to reach at...

The Greatest Radio April’s Fools Joke Ever

I have the ultimate April's Fools Joke for you but you'll need some time to prepare it and a Program Director up for some fun. This April Fool's Day roll out a market wide station concert complete with a live broadcast, client sponsors, promo spots and...

Odwalla – Your Next Big Client

Odwalla Fruit Juice is on the move in all 50 states and they are looking for your help. Significant marketing money is now in the hands of local distributors to promote the Ultra-Endurance Race Across America, Bonnarro Music & Arts Festival and most recently their...

Lawyers Will Love This Idea

We are creating musical jingles for Law Firms all over the country. May I share a an idea that your toughest Law Firm prospect will love? This idea comes from New York City Radio Station, WCBS News Radio 88 ...

Big Commissions In Pool Chemicals

There is big money to be scooped up this Spring in Pool Chemicals from some of the top names including BioGuard, HTH, Baquacil and Pace. A few years back I met a distributor representation for HTH Pool Chemicals at our local home center. Our casual conversation turned interesting when I suggested...

Radio/TV’s Hottest Business Categories

There are three key categories for Radio/TV Sales in 2010 and it's my pleasure to share them with you this week. Heath Care continues to be the number one business category and it's a wide open field ...

Offer Web Design Service To Your Clients

I meet hundreds of local direct business owners every month and Web Sites are a common topic. There are three scenarios: 1) Client Has A Web Site and loves it 2) Client Has A Web Site and is not happy with it or 3)...